Saturday October 8th – 152.2

One guy Jewish jet ski one guy went on the spot three guys to the right of the Red movie not too far

Don’t confuse finding new hotspots with trying them for hours on end trying to validate them by catching a fish

Sweep tournaments – when spying, make sure you go from one end to the other like that one time. If you start at the middle you have no idea how many are on the field, where everyone went. You’ll be left wondering if there’s more people on the other side of the lake too.

Don’t confuse finding and graphing new spots with validating them by fishing. Validating by fishing doesn’t work, because there are so many factors that go into it. There are plenty of hotspots you know of that have skunked you from time to time. Finding hotspots just find high percentage catch spots

Getting flustered
Cooking got flustered and ended up eating so many calories because I wanted to “test” the rice pudding, when I was just pissed off. When pissed off or flustered, think:
1 how do I stay on track with Sean’s goals

  1. How do I act like a successful person that Sean wants to be.
    These two go hand in hand with each other

    Diet – 1/2 Crusty Pizza, rice pudding.
    Lifting – None