The type of person I want to be:
- No Such thing as Failure Mindset – I want to have a mindset whereby I see failure as an opportunity, rather than a hurdle. I want to have a mindset where I don’t avoid failure, but rather have the courage to face it and learn from it. I want to always chase my goals in light of failure, and to do so courageously, always learning and growing. I don’t want to have a mindset where I let fear stops me.
- Kaizen – I want to be consistent. I want to be the type of person whereby when I have a goal, I work my best to accomplish it, and give it my all, getting better bit by bit everyday
- Non Lazy – I don’t want to be a lazy person. I want to have initiative and drive.
- Control Over Myself – I want to be an inner directed person, a person who puts the judge in the proper position and values my own goals, aspirations and views rather than that of others. I want to have control over my emotions and the way I react to things.
What do I want to do This week?
Finish off site and name
Start really hammering the calls
Do a Tik Tok for Dad
Make Snowy’s Website and throw ads at it
Start learning ads again
1 Piece of clothing a day for accoo
One part of photoshop per day
Kickoff an affiliate site for fun