March 25th
Daily Log:Had some real big insights today. Broke down and didn’t even make any calls. Got all up in my head. Saw some real ass
Daily Log:Had some real big insights today. Broke down and didn’t even make any calls. Got all up in my head. Saw some real ass
Photoshop – learned how to select stuff and cut it out -> select lasso thing, make selection (alt/shift, remove/add)-> can delete either refilling it with
Woke up @ 5:30! Signed up for RFitness! – Sick gym! I can tell this is gonna be good! Didn’t take a nap today, trucked
Staples, Best Buy, Walmart for LG Return x 2, Search for BF Deals / Planners, Pizza Nova, Catan, Python Python total time: 0.5 min Exercise:
Incline Barbell Bench – 95 x 10 x 3Incline DB Bench – 35 x 12 x 3Bench Machine – 105 x 7 x 3Fly Machine
How to Change Photo Size (Dimensions) 2 Methods 1). Image Size + Canvas SizeImage Size Tool – use this to make the image smaller, click
The type of person I want to be: No Such thing as Failure Mindset – I want to have a mindset whereby I see failure
Pretty lazy day today. I did get stuff done, but not as productive as I’d like to be. Did burn a lot of time squattin
HOOKSET!!! Wow, what a great day today. Today was the first day I ever caught at fish on a jig. A bottom jig! Note: I
What Did I Do Today? Woke up, went and helped M&D clean up Acoos apartment w/ R and E. Going through her stuff, it really