October 4th 2022 – 150.0

7g sugar 28
1/4 cup cream 75
3/4 oat 450
1 tbsp pb 100
1 tsp sugar 28
45 g pecan 250
1 whey 150

2/3 cups rice 450
400g chicken breast 500
2 pieces schnitzel 400
120 calories salad dressing
1 haagen daz bar 290
salad 50

Calories 2890

Pullups – x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
BB Rows – 80 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10
Landmine CG Rows – 42.5 x 12 x 12 x 12 x 12
Supersets row machine with lat pulldowns – don’t know weights just went beast mode because of time

Picked up J from the hospital today. I’m getting better and better at being conscious of the thoughts that pop up in my head, and acknowleging that thoughts in my head aren’t always mine, and are a lot of the time just random thoughts that pop up. Saw resentment pulling in, but then this consciousness pulled me out. That’s not who I am! q