October 21st 2022 –


1 bagel250
1 CC 70 ok70
1 Oats 110 ok110
1 PB 100 ok100
1 Coconut 90 ok90
1 whey 150 ok150
1/2 Yogurt 80 ok80
60 calories hemp hearts60
1 serving nuts – 320 by320
90 calories salad dressing90
3/4 cup rice510
1 oats110
1 coconut90
1 whey150
60 calories hemp hearts60
1/2 serving yogurt80
20g nuts200

Back to the gym again after a 5 day break. Still get the tingling in the back when strained but for the most part much better than before. I was having DOMs for like days on end on my back lol. Also trying arms/abs first in routine. Gotta try something different to get somewhere new

RF Back / Chest
BB Curls – 30 x 14 x 3
Curl Machine – 35 x 13 x 13 x 13
Hammers – 12.5 x 12 x 12 x 17 (failure)

BB Bench Chest Touch – 85 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8
Incline Press Machine – 35 x 7 / 30 x 8 x 8 x 9
Cable Flies – 20 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10
Fly Machine – 60 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10

My timing for the day is great. Much better improved process. Two things now I have to take care of:

1. Organize time but not only time but also task. i.e. set the time aside like you do now, but also give it tasks, and stuff it. Remember the time work principle, where work typically magically fills up all the time you give it.
To do: Layout time and tasks side by side, and break down tasks into the smallest part as possible.

2. Organize 2nd Half timing – Starting out in the day I can easily do a couple 1.5 hour sessions of work, but as it drags on sometimes I do get a bit flustered. Meditiation helps a TON. but let’s talk about later later in the day, at nighttime. I think I can save either easy tasks for this time, or perhaps (what I’m leading towards) what I can do is plot time into 25 min segments and have them as sprints, pomodoro style.