Today I:
Had a call with the Jack Guy – Get Cris to send him samples
Found Jackie one good PBN Candidate
Called Harvey to get the piece to him + Proofread Ayman’s piece
Startup Citations
Sorting out Steve Brownlies Links and sent him email-> Found one no follow. Other sites no update / not up yet\
Looked through andrew cardwells outreach – picking sites
Stuff I learned:
- 2 ways of noindexing -> through meta tag in html or through httaccess file
- noreferrer -> this is so that the page that gets referred doesn’t have any info on where the referral came from
- noopener -> this just blocks all data of the referring page -> the referral page has no idea about anything about it.
Also looking at the installment loans pages and the other pages we’ve been adding to BW. holy shit, its actually paying off. first month and there’s already around 4 conversions for just the installment loans core page. There’s also conversions coming in for the personal loans location pages too
Domain Choice
4 basic domain choosing choices
– New Reg -> brand new registered domains. not much raw material, takes time to get out of sandbox/rank
-branded domains -> basically just paying for a cool brand. big markups too. Can use money instead to create content or backlinks
– existing site -> always risks, have to do due dilligence -> why selling? trap? good blinks? if i made this site on my own, how much would it cost vs how much is he selling it for?
-expired domains -> have to know what to look out for when looking at backlinks and history and shit (think pbn hunting). Furthermore, also a risk that the backlinks you get form the expired domain doesn’t pass on over to new site… over the past few years its been harder and harder to go this route. Still possible tho.
Hosting Choice
– Cheap -> good for hobbies and light shit. bad stuff is that cheap at first, and could gouge you later. spec wise tho, shared servers you’re on a host with a shit ton of other people. wild wild west, you guys could all be overloading the server and slowing it down. VPS (virtual private server) is a better version of this where there’s “borders” within the server that separates you and your neighbours so everyone has their own allocation.
– “Expensive” -> not even that expensive. like 25/30 bucks a mo. If you’re making $ from your site, get this. testing environment, automatic backups, user support, faster speed, not shared hosting.
– “middle” this is digital ocean, AWS, shit like this where you just get a server and install and manage everything yourself. You can get a WP plugin thing that helps manages with you. Only really worth it if you wanna have fun, or if you have a bunch of fun domains and you want to host it on this while practicing -> it gets cheaper as you get more domains. 40 domains, 5/10 bucks each. faster speed and stuff bc its ur own domain but yeah, you gotta set everything up yourself not really worth it unless you’re a pro dev or if its for fun.
also, google pagespeed insights -> time to first bit -> this is usually the servers issue. i mean, this is before even any shit on your sites actually been loading, its the initial message b.w the server and the client.
Elementor ->
you can do global shit, makes everything so much easier
global color
global font
global template width shit
Brilliant! ctrl e too pulls up the elementor popup on the WP homepage
you can use themestyle to do this shit all at once
viewport height ->this is sick! instead of pixel you can set it to % of your screen.