Cold, hard, discipline baby. When the legs of motivation wont’ take you far enough, you can always count on the relentless steel of discipline to help slice you through.
Bleh! That’s what’s making me write this stuff today. Was gonna work again sitting on the couch, but then said fuck it, i’m going office mode. For discipline’s sake. My mind was saying “oh BuT youL Be tireD lAtEr wheN YoU StudY and Do youR oWn Projects” STFU! No I won’t! This will make it so later on I’ll have MORE energy!
And that it did! Had a coffee at 4:50pm. Worked till 5:30. watched Kung Fu Hustle, Broke away half way through, got too comfy and said to myself I don’t wanna go study and do projects now but fuck it let’s go discipline style, and that I did.
Watched some TTT stuff today. Here’s what we went through
1. bucket your kws manually
2. Compare to Ahrefs -> choose which bucket you want
3. Pivot Table -> Ahrefs vs Bucket
4. Pivot table -> Parent Kw and Kw underneath -> you can see which is important
and voila! you have a content plan! Pretty much exactly what you did with Borrowell, except a more ordered format and you didn’t start from 0, and you didn’t have a template strategy like this. Good on you sean! to think of something like this
Did some Parsehub today:
It kept on giving me errors when I was scraping Y! Maybe it was because I need a proxy? Either way, this is it, let’s get into python. don’t need to become a python pro, just a scrape pro. I’ll still toy around with Parsehub too.
Next Step: Python + Proxy VPN etc.