Holy smokes man. So much I want to learn and do. I feel like I have the discipline, but I don’t have the commitment! It’s having discipline in the long run that gets me. I can do it for a few days, disicpline myself, but when it comes to doing it over and over it just falls apart.
Not Scratching
etc etc.
I guess I’ll try the next answer: Kaizen
Massive action is definitely needed. But so is consistency. Consistency is part of the key. Massive action without consistency, and consistency without massive action, don’t really build the foundation or the never stopping train. You need both.
Starting today, it doesn’t matter how miniscule completing a part of a routine is, I will complete it just for the sake of completing it. Hopefully in the long run, this will lead me to successfully adopt new practices so I’m a constant 100 learn do and try again and learn and succeed machine.
Also! No shiny toy syndrome! You don’t need to become a master at python! It’s fun, you can do it on your spare time, but don’t forget your goal! It’s fun distracting yourself from your goal by putting up other goals, but remember to see this and identify it since it’s PROCRASTINATION!.
Learn the bare minimum and move forward. and you can treat python as fun on the side 😀
ALSO. Moving forward I’ll treat affiliate sites etc as learning SEO, and not monetary means. If you set it up for $$$, you, as a business owner, know that there are definitely better ways of making cash. that said if you aim to make cash and don’t, it’ll discourage you. The real goal is to hone your skills as a marketer and become in tune with the big G, so you can control it to your whim. That’s why you’ll do your affilliate sites – for fun and to learn.