Good day today, minus me being super irritable. I couldn’t sit still to get work done and sit still. My mind was running around and I couldn’t focus. I pushed through and did, though, but still. Some days are hard, and some days are easy. I can say for sure though, when things are neat and organized its a lot more easier to focus.
Maybe next time I should bunch things up into smaller pieces, each easy to accomplish and go from there.
That and I should definitely get back into exercising again. WTF man, get back into it! So many times I’ve fallen off the buggy. Consistency is key. If I were consistent I’d be Mr. Olympia by now who’s doing piano concerts xD
But yeah, this weekend: Helped L move, figured out shipping to US, exercised twice, did some learning, some self reflection, went to WM/SDM looking for burners. Not bad. Also cleaned a bunch of stuff and learned more about planning and stuff on notes and organization. Oh, and hotkeys too.
Solid 6.5 on the productivity scale
To do this week:
Track all of Toggl
Start Jogging / Eating properly again for bulk / dare i say start counting again?
Finish 2 books
Pad Thai
Bowl of Cereal
Aunt Jenny’s Lasagna (Delicious!) + Spaghettir
1 dad’s swamp special
Abs – 6 min AX -> pretty good workout