Ok so this relentless /continual dragging on pushing through stuff is working pretty well. Just gotta find the right stuff to do it with. Right now, it’s working pretty well for:
– Timing
– Flossing/brushing
– Studying
– Plate finding
But I if I can apply it to more things, why not? Second step from here on out is allocate 30 min before bed to do your writing / next day planning. Actually, you know what, that’s too much, you don’t need that much time. If you had that much time, you’d avoid doing it, and you really wouldn’t know what to fill it all with. So starting now, allocate 10 minute before sheep sheep.
Today was OK productive. Created more spreadsheets with products. Got a hold of M once again, I guess she was pretty busy over the holidays. Going to make some sample orders. Also started a typeracer spreadsheet
OH and I found CTRL+Backspace! Thanks to that fast typing doctor youtube guy. Great find. This will increase my WPM significantly, given that backspacing and fixing mistakes is my problem. oh man, just the fixes I needed
– Shake
– 2 Coffees
– Chili Chicken
– Ton of OJ
no exercise again lol.