Did work again today, overtime work with nothing to show for it. With the position I’m in, working for what I’m working for right now, I’m actually not working for myself at all. Your goal should always to be working for yourself, no matter what you’re doing. In this case, I’m just wasting time. Good points by that character
Anyways, less time, you get more done. Did the content plans today and sorted out the #s with the biz. Thanks to my sis, she brought me back down to earth again and really got me thinking about the numbers. Can’t get caught up with all the flashy numbers and promises. Business should be treated as a science, even moreso than a science is. That’s part of how you become successful. Gotta crunch more #s and shit tomorrow
Watched a ton of Warrior with my two favourite people. Amazing times!
No Swamp juice today
Exercise: Back