Some cool learnings from this gong.iocall.
New Opener – started using their new opener and speaking with a super formal tone, and behold! it works! I guess saying your full name DOES impart on the prospect that you’re an important person. Even when i do this with gatekeepers it seems to work.
Also saying the company you’re from prevents the prospect from asking questions, which DOES keep you in control. I know what they mean when they say he who asks the questions controls the call
How you doing – still didn’t use this, almost feels awkward
Mindset – the initial call is not aobut selling the product or discovery, it’s about selling the appointment. don’t go too deep into prodding and shit cause the call can go off the rails – which it has done in the past quite a bit.
Monologues – Cold callers that are successful typically have more talking than listening
Sales Nexus – Most recent thing i took away from this video – say something polorazing in your pitch to peak interest and stake your point in the ground. you will scare off 20% of the leads, but the 80% that remain will strongly/somewhat agree with you, and you have an opening and attention to go from there:
A lot of jewelers have become aware that word of mouth isn’t as strong as it once was, and now everybody’s looking to find their local jeweler online. This has them scrambling and worried etc etc.