IR – GAds – Negative Keyword Matches

Description: Negative keywords tell google what not to show your ads for. There are match types for negative keywords too.

NOTE!: Negative keywords match types work differently than their positive counterparts. Synonyms and shit are not included ex. in broad match negative keywords. You have to add in the negative keyword variations by yourself.

Broad Match Negative Keywords: Tells google to not show your keywords for what you tell it not to. Things can be added before, after, in between etc. You can add “double” broad match negative keywords, so that there can not be any keywords bidded if your negative keywords are found within.

ex. -faux leather vs -faux -leather

Phrase Match: When this term shows up in this specific order, don’t show the ad

-faux leather (vs -faux -leather
-“brushed metal”
– [office chairs]

Negative Keywords can be added at the Ad Group level and the Campaign Level

Ad Group Level – For scuplting your keyword
Campaigns – Lists – this is to help you keep organized

-> Should do everytime – Create negative keyword lists and ad them across campaigns.

1:1 or even 2:1 negative keyword to positive keyword match!

Traffic Sculpting is adding negative keywords to the ad group level.

  1. Most Relevant Ad Copy for the Search Term -> Increases Quality Score, Decreases CPC, Increases Conversion Rate, Decreases Cost Per Conversion, Increases ROI.
    2. To sculpt the traffic so you get your target bid for your target keyword. You ad your negative keywords between your ad groups so you bid higher for higher quality keywords and you bid lower for lower quality keywords.

Campaign Level

For campaign level negative keywords, we recommend using lists rather than individually, as doing it individually will make it really messy and not organized