Sunday, September 13th 2020

Pretty good day. Went to the lab, where I will live and did some work. I can concentrate x 1000 there. I don’t want to admit it…but does environment affect concentration? or am I just being weak minded? Huh, either way, when I’m down there I do get work done.

Went for a run at Warden Woods too. Man that place is awesome, when you’re in there it doesn’t even feel like you’re in Scarbs, let alone Toronto. Nice river, cool canopies, open vistas. Great run.


After that we went to Gyubi. Rs haircut looks nice, Stark? Gotta try that place next time.

3 pancakes AM
1 cup beet Juice
1 AYCE Gyubi Extravaganza

3.28 km run / 19m 47s