– 2 power shakes
– 2 Tan Dhats
– Assload of Spaghetti
– Super spicy ramen Carbonara
– 1 Jungle Juice
Exercise: Rest day!
Man, yesterday stayed up late roasting my mind with tv shows. Went to sleep late, which I guess should have made it easier to sleep, but it wasn’t! went to sleep too late, PLUS i ate! totally whacked it all off!
Woke up today feeling groggy. Then I couldn’t get stuff done. Then when it was time to get stuff done and I was “ready”, I was restless!!!
1. Exhausted, tired can’t concentrate
2. Restless, so much stuff, can’t concentrate
WTF is that!!!!?! I can go plus ultra when it comes to running. ripping out every ounce of willpower to go faster and faster at the end, but I can’t do this stuff?!!? gotta get it into my head that plus ultra can be used anywhere, anytime, even 247 (that’s the ultimate goal for many, i guess? lol)
Went through a bunch of the A stuff today. Really made me look into it, to get an idea of what it takes to succeed. can’t only look at all the good stuff. look at your own track record and scars. You know what works, you’ve been through the fire. you’re baptized! use the same lessons you’ve learned and the experience you have and just trample shit going forward.