October 16th 2022 – 154.4


14 g sugar – oats and coffee60
3/4 oats230
1 tbsp pb100
Piece if biscotti30
1 whey protein150
2 jungle juice180
4 pieces of nerd candy14
70g frosted flakes258
150 ml milk65
Steak 8001000
Chicken 400450
5g sugar tea20
splash cream15
salad + broccoli50
Cranberry Crunch250

2nd day rest day. Might take tomorrow off too. Whole body is still aching from going apeshit from that one week

Man, I’ve definitely gotten mentally weaker when it comes to eating. I was soo disciplined while cutting, and its funny, now that I’m bulking I’m having a harder time saying no! This is even after 4 months of strict dieting! Guess the excuse of “oh i’m bulking” is ringing strong in my ears. Gotta grab the bull by the horns again and discipline myself… but at the same time I don’t want to have an eating disorder!

Definitely found that “eating whatever I wanted” over the past day or so has helped ease the cravings… duh… but this practice does have some merit.

Going to take another day off I think, and go back on Tuesday or maybe even Wednesday. Next phase though, for sure I’m going 100% hypertrophy.

As for the party, I’m doing really well. Starting to expand new avenues of organization and execution, and always being mindful of my thoughts, my views and my perspectives.

Upwards and onwards, Sean!