October 3rd 2022 – 150.0

3/4 cup rice
450g Chicken Breast
150 calories yogurt
1 salad
2 tbsp dressing
60g nuts
300 calories rice pudding
1 whey Protein

SQUAT 135 X 5 X 5 x 5 x 5
Leg Press Machine (Not Free Weights) – 140 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10
Hamstring Curls 70 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 – this is a good weight
Hanging Leg Raises x 12 x 10 x 8 x 8
Incline crunches x 13 x 13 x 11 x 11
Leg raises and scissors superset x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10

Run – 1.56 km / 5:`12 min/km

Really upset about fucking losing the hat and not bringing balaclavas out anymore. This is your skin man!!! Are you so cheap not to buy proper balaclavas and extra hats??! This is I think the second time I forgot my hat. I put on sunscreen religiously yesterday and I still got burnt. In the last few weeks too I haven’t been sun protecting it up as much with balaclavas because “it’s not summer”, and “fall sun isn’t so bad”. See what happens when you give up the intensity and discipline!? Where the fuck did these thoughts come from? Anywho, just ordered balaclavas and will get a hat JUST for the boat / fishing. No more one hat fits all. This way I won’t lose it. Also, don’t be cheap on the things that are really important.

Things I learned from fishing:
Trust your electronics – they’re like always right dude lol.
Double check waypoints with gps

Getting better at being conscious
Workout no compromises – fuck I went apeshit at the gym again today. Gotta make this mentality a habit. Loved it. Had leg day and still went for a hard ass run after, even after being so tired and shit from fishing all day. Gotta make this mindset a habit and apply it everywhere.

Life in the fasting lane – insulin control is key, this is a good book. Maybe buy it for kache.