September 26th – 148.7

Back after fishing trip lol. Ate like shit, weigh now 148.7


BB Bench – 125 x 5 x 5 x 5
Incline Db Bench – 45 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8
Iso Lateral Wide BP Machine – 45 x 12 x 12 x 12 x 12
DB Fies – 22.5 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7

Incline Skullcrushers – 40 x 12 x 10 x 10 x 10
V Grip Pulldowns – 60 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10
Cable Pulldowns – 50 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8

2 bagels – 500
2 cream cheese – 140
350g yogurt – 140
45 g nuts – 250
1 whey – 150
4 cookies – 320
2 tsp sugar – coffee and tea – 50
1 dark chocolate – 80
230 g boneless chicken – 800 cals

1 serving cheerios with one serving milk 180


2 jungle juice – 200
1 whey – 150
Yogurt – 40

Total Calories: 3000

Going to try for 2800/3000 for the next bit. Screw maintenance week or w.e let’s just jump into it. Going to try and incorporate cardio as well. Going to Kaizen it everyday for the next 7 days and slowly ramp up. Man I feel like cutting so long and hard for 7 months and losing 30 lbs really gave me an eating disorder. I can eat so much and still be hungry :(.

Summary – work 2/10
Abbysmal work performance today. Lacked so much disicpline, just sat around and tweedled my thumbs for so long. Got things done on the to do list, but for the stuff that really mattered I didn’t touch much. Just worked a bit, then fucked off ate a bunch of food and did nothing. WTF man.

Next time if it gets this bad in these stretches where I really don’t feel like working, we’ll make like a 10 min strategy. 10 min work, 5 minute fuck off, and scale 2 min from there – 12 min work, 5 minute fuck off, 14 min work, 5 minute fuck off etc. I don’t want to blame it on lack of sleep or being out of the groover but what the fuck man. You can do much, much better Sean.

The trick or groove I want to get into is to have the discipline and habits in place so I don’t have “one of those days” because I have those two things to carry me over, and on days where I “recoup” I just fucking do nothing like go and fish, which I’ve been doing for the past week!!!!!