Last 2 days:
Sunday September 5th 2021
Hi: 24
Low: 23
Monday September 6th 2021
Hi: 22
Low: 17
Forecast for September 7th 2021:
Hi: 23
Low: ?
Forecast summary:
Some dude said there was a cold front on monday so I chilled at home… probably should have not listened to him like wtf that makes no sense always go out.
Sunny/Warm –> Warmed up after yesterday, still lower than last few weeks which were in their high 20s. Now it’s mid/lower 20s.
There’s going to be a storm on Tues night / Wednesday. It also looks like it’ll be windy af. 41 wind gusts wtf?
Wind -> Wind looks like it’ll be all over the place. Even checking on Windy, it’ll be from the west in the AM, and then from the S and SE as the day goes forward. Bait fish on the northern shores?
Precipitation -> Looks like there’s gonna be rain overnight tomorrow and a chance of small showers in the evening (<1mm)
Cold Fronts = Cold, High Winds, and Rain?!?! Does that mean tomorrow’s a cold front? Not that much colder than other days.

Where we’re gonna fish:

Things to do Tomorrow:
Discipline – 15 minutes fishing a spot max
Discipline x 2 -> Try new baits, try new baits, try new baits. Throw everything. Have a crank one hand, a top water on another, and finally a jig on the next.
Try the rod locker
Try launching yourself -> do it like ya used to!
Post fishing Report

Holy shit today was so windy. Wind was coming from the south east, so south east winds?!
anywho, fished a ton of flats and shorelines with spinners and no luck. On the way home, just before the thunder, tried the spook and got a fish on topwater! it was around 72.5/73F. Wasn’t sure if this was because it was right before the storm or timing or w.e, but i was figuring that with the winds and chop and shit bass would have been feeding on the top for shit that fell from the ksy cause of rain or wind or w.e so i tried it, and guess what, it worked!. was a little calmer in that stream or w.e.
was this a cold front tho? -> we saw a lot of blue bird skies before fishing and in the other half of the sky we saw really high clouds. then it was really windy, and then a storm came through. and then lightning with a lot of rain. is this a cold front!? no bites today, but still did end up getting a fish!.