Google Ads – Negative Keywords (AgencySavvy)

Over time you’ll find that there are a lot of search terms that were poorly aligned with your keywords, so you must be dilligent and go through this often to cull them out

Negative Keywords can be added at the Campaign and Ad Group Level.

Negative Match Type Keywords
Exact Match Negative Keywords **
Phrase Match Negative Keywords

** Since there’s only exact match and phrase match negative keywords, you have to come up with synonyms for your negative terms, since broad match doesn’t exist for them.

CTRs increase with good negative keyword discipline. Google loves that since you’re not taking up space where they’re not making money.

Negative Keyword Lists
Keeps things organized and good for having when working with bulk possibnilities

All Campagins – Campaign Irrelevant Negative Keyword LIsts i.e. Free, used, etc.
Non Branded Campaigns – Have a Branded Negative Keywrod LIst for this.
Non Branded Campaigns -> Doors, Windows, Showers Campaigns -> Be careful with this since people can search for both at the same time.
COVID 19 / Coronavirus Negative Keywords

Keyword Conflicts – Google will tell you about these.