Google Remarketing Tags

What is Remarketing?

Targeting and capturing users who came to your website and left – Cookie them!

These ads would be on different networks – Google display networks, Facebook network, youtube network .

To be effective, you should have a specific ad strategy.

  • Create audiences based on those who came to your site – what they like, what they did, who they are (anonymously)
  • you can reach them again across the web and build a funnel to get them back to your site
  • see pages they visted, products they looked at, how recently they were on, device, browser, etc.
  • There can be a lot of
  • You can create multiple retargeting lists like:
  • 1. Previous visitors
  • 2. Visitors at certain times of the day
    3. visitors from certain areas
    4. Visitors that looked at a certain classificaiton of an item
    5. Visitors that made X amount of puchases in the past, or visitors that added X amount of items to a cart

Retargeted marketing is a very specific and scoped in approach…