Pro Tip – Set up All Clicks so then you can see what you have to filter for to include the specific Button Click
- Set Up “All Clicks Trigger” – This is so you can test the clicks to see what you have to have as a filter for your target button click

2. Go to Debug Mode and Click on Your Button – Look at the Variables of the fired click to see the parameters to use for your Button Click trigger that you’re going to set up.
All Buttons – if you’re setting up Click Tracking for all buttons, make sure you find something that’s common among all your buttons
Unique Button – Find a unique parameter around the single button you want to track, and specify that in your trigger.

Remember: Label your Events appropriately!

BTW, just set up the Get Directions button and it didn’t work with the “all clicks” trigger with the filter… I had to use the “link clicks” trigger with the filter.