Jan 14 2020

Hah! I missed a day. That’s why I guess making a habit/routine is so important. Anyways, had some things on my mind this week that made it hard to “be productive” and work. I guess routines and habits and writing stuff down helps with that too, but yeah, got some real worries coming up.

Like we always say, it’s probably all in my head and I’ve really got nothing to worry about… but yeah, when it’s about someone incredibly important, it’s pretty hard to stop worrying. Googling stuff doesn’t help either. It never helps in these cases. But yeah, I’ll leave it at that.

Gotta wake up tomorrow and finish off some content plans. After that, I’m home free.

Bagel w/ cream cheese
macaroni and cheese
Mozzarella sticks
Ribs n mash potatoes
2x OJ
1x Dad’s Swamp Special

Exercise: None