January 11th 2020

Falling off the horse, man!

This weekend was a 6.5 and today was a real flop. Didn’t really get anything done. Worried a lot. Googled a lot. A lot of things that could’ve, would’ve, etc. I know my mind gets stuck on things and then I go OCD worrying. It’s good that I’m mindful of that, so that I can work on it. But yeah, nothing was written, nothing was scheduled, so nothing got done.

worry worry worry worry.

At least I sorted out some ecom stuff tho – with crossborder/stallion. Now gotta figure out packaging. Gotta remember that it won’t bring in money, and customer LTV doesn’t really depend on it since they most likely won’t order again. That being said, it will affect reviews, and if they were to order again, it would help. But for now we should look for the bare minimum to leave a decent impression that won’t dock us on the reviews

Will remedy tomorrow.

2 Dad’s Jungle Juice
1 Protein Shake
1 Rack of Ribs
1 shit ton of mashed potatoes