Hell man, for as long as remember I’ve been putting others before my own interests. Afraid to hurt their feelings, afraid to say no, etc etc. I go above and beyond to help people, and often at the expense of my own desires and goals. I’m too afraid to say no, even though it would fuck me otherwise!
If I continue going on like this, it’s only going to be natural that I’m going to start resenting people, and getting in my own way of achieving my goals. I take pride in always being there for those that I love, but I always forget to love myself. And then at the end of the day i’m left punching my face wondering where I went wrong, why I did what I did, and what they would have done if they were in my shoes.
Gotta start putting yourself first, Sean!
Anways, helped a bud move today out of town. Started having anxiety about covid 19 and giving it to R and L. Started worrying eye hurt meant ulcer or infection. All these worries started compounding eachother and clouding my mind. Not good. Be mindful!
Tim hortons chicken sandwhich + double double (holy shit that’s sweet)
Almost large pizza – PIzza Nova.